Spotlight on: Emily Petrice Stone


It's our great pleasure to introduce you to Emily Petrice Stone! Roman Women is Emily's first production with us and we are so glad to have her! We caught up with Emily to ask her a few questions about the piece and its process. Here's what she had to say:

Q: What's been your favorite aspect of working on Roman Women?

A: Working in the Palace after dark, when the stars come out and the lights come on! Or rehearsing while facing out onto the lake and witnessing a swan or night heron doing its thing, grooming itself and bobbing out on the water.

Q: What's been the most surprising part of the process?

A: How much the space itself influences the development of the piece. This is the first full-length devised piece I’ve been a part of, and it’s also a site-specific piece. The Palace of Fine Arts shapes the production in fascinating and unexpected ways.

Q: Do you have a funny or amusing memory of the process?

A: All of the women in our ensemble are hilarious. They make me laugh every day. So much raunchy humor.

Q: Why should people attend Roman Women?

A: You can bask in the majesty of a landmark of San Francisco, while experiencing a unique and thoughtful piece of theater that strives to do the space justice!

Q: What makes Roman Women relevant?

A: The female experience in the last 2,000 years has changed and certainly improved, but we are still grappling with many of the same questions, the same demons, the same barriers. Roman Women follows the thread that unites women of today with women of the Roman Republic.

Don't miss Emily in Roman Women running through May 28th only!

Photo by Lauren Matley
Costumes by Brooke Jennings