An adventure in liminality…


Enter the in-between…

Walk With We


Thursdays through Sundays
May 13 - June 27, 2021

Visit the Web Program Guide


+ FAQ & Guide for Attendees
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Is PSYCHOPOMP suitable for children?
Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate children for this particular experience. 18 and older only.

How long is the walk?
Your journey will take approximately 90 minutes.
Restrooms are accessible before the journey begins and again at the end. There are no restrooms available along the trail.
Wear comfortable closed toed shoes and layered clothing and bring a water bottle.

How accessible is the walk?
The route involves some hills and includes both paved pathways as well as uneven terrain and trails through wooded areas. While not completely accessible, we are always pleased to support your journey through the environment. Please email us before your show date at to help us accomodate any special needs.

BIPOC Pay What You Will Tickets
In our pursuit of inclusivity, we're committed to making our work accessible and affordable for those who have historically been neglected or intentionally excluded from the arts. Though we recognize the need of many demographics for discounted tickets, we ask that only BIPOC identifying people sign up in this space. Because the park prohibits on-site sales, no walk-up tickets will be available but we will contact folks to explore available ticket times. Please provide contact info here.

COVID-19 Safety
We're following transmission safety protocols of mandatory face masks and 6-foot social distancing, with timed entry into the walk to separate participants.

Is there seating available?
No. You will be in motion throughout.

Transporation and Parking Suggestions
This journey through McLaren Park begins near the parking area at 21 John F Shelley Drive, off Mansell St in San Francisco.
Parking is available in a large lot on John F Shelley Drive, with street parking along the Drive as well.
DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR VEHICLE. While the site is not as vulnerable as Golden Gate Park, it's still San Francisco, and we encourage you to ensure that nothing is visible in your vehicle when you set off for your journey!

Can I bring my dog?
Unfortunately, you may not bring (even your very well-behaved) dogs to the Walk With We experience.
While dogs are allowed off-leash in McLaren Park, and travelers may very likely encounter furry friends along the way, we can not accommodate dogs on the curated journey through PSYCHOPOMP. Only service animals on very short leashes are allowed. Any service animals must remain off trail during encounters with Psychopomps. Please alert our box office at prior to your performance date if you will be bringing a service animal.
Again, NO dogs OTHER THAN service animals are allowed within the Walk With We event at McLaren Park. Thank you so much for understanding.

What if my question is not answered here?
For questions about the Walk With We experience, please contact We Players at

Guide for Attendees

Navigate to the Jerry Garcia Amphitheatre Parking Lot at 21 John F Shelley Drive in San Francisco. You'll see signage to Registration from there.

The closest restrooms are located a ten-minute walk across the street, next to the Tennis Courts at 1398 Mansell St. Please factor this time into your arrival and use the restroom prior to registration. There will not be an opportunity to use the restroom once you start your journey.

What You'll Need
The roughly 90-minute journey covers 1.5 miles of McLaren park. You'll be traversing hills and uneven terrain. To travel comfortably please have with you:

• Warm layers (We promise, it will get cold in the park. Even if it's summer everywhere else.)

• Closed-toed shoes with good tread

• Water

• We highly encourage bringing a walking stick or hiking poles if you have them. There are slippery sections of the trail, and two steep hills to climb. Otherwise, you can borrow one of the sticks we've gathered from the space.

• Your mask. According to our agreement with SF Rec and Park, participants will still need to be masked when interacting with front of house staff and Psychopomps. Please only remove your mask to sip water or eat snacks when 6 feet away from others. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

The journey is self-directed.

There will be pairs in front and behind you. Travel with purpose and pay attention to the signage to direct you.

• Listen to the Psychopomps and do as they say.

• Sticks with arrows and signage will make your path clear to you. Where there is an arrow attached to the stick, follow it. When there are words on the signage, read them and follow the instructions. Look for the red ribbons along your route that will encourage you and indicate that you're on the right path.

• McLaren Park is a public park enjoyed by pedestrians, cyclists, and many off-leash dogs (like lots and lots and lots of off-leash dogs). Please be aware as you travel to share the path with others.

• Photos and video are not permitted during the PSYCHOPOMP journey. Please turn your phone completely off before you begin. You are making a trip into the in-between - immerse yourself completely and leave the distractions behind...

Who to bring
Each ticket can accommodate two people. For your safety and comfort and that of other park visitors, we cannot allow more than two people to travel together at a time. According to our agreement with the park, we can only accommodate people 18 and older, and cannot allow pets other than service animals to travel the journey. Thank you, again, for your patience and understanding.

+ The Buzz
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"A company that's thoroughly mastered the art of creating site-specific and wonderfully creative and provocative environments."
- Jean Schiffman, SF Examiner

"A good laugh and a spiritual cleansing, too...We Players has included us in their communion with Nature. We are grateful, yet again, for their inventiveness, and playfulness."
- Theatrius

KPOO’s DJ Marilyn discusses PSYCHOPOMP with Artistic Director Ava Roy on Let Me Touch Your Mind

Artistic Director Ava Roy speaks about PSYCHOPOMP on KALW's Open Air

"A wondrous gateway"
Lily Janiak, SF Chronicle Datebook, We Players’ ‘Psychopomp’

"... feel like Alice wandering... through a sort of ancient Wonderland."
Jean Schiffman, SF Examiner, ‘Psychopomp’ a magical, meditative walk through McLaren Park

"These superb actors encourage us to root ourselves to the earth and reach up to the skies. A natural, theatrical setting for troubles to evaporate into the blue."
Barry David Horwitz, Theatrius, "Psychopomp" - Top Actors Guide Us To Celestial Heights

Brian Resler, No Proscenium, ‘Psychopomp’ is a Walk with Purpose

+ Psychopomps & Creative Team
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Papa Legba: Rotimi Agbabiaka
Ox Head/ Horse Face: Ling Ling Lee
Hermes: Pearl Marill
Anubis: Drew Watkins
Valkyries: Chris Steele
Charon: Nick Dickson
Cat Sith: Alan Coyne
Ix Chel: Regina León

Due to a serious injury, Regina León will not be physically present on site but the installation at her station is inspired by the beautiful work she's done to bring Ix Chel to life. Thank you, Regina. We are all sending thoughts for easeful healing.

Creative Director: Ava Roy
Assistant Director: Britt Lauer
Art Director: Brooke Jennings
Team Manager: Chris Fennell
Team Members: Monica Herbert, Kate Sachen, and Laraine Gurke

Tremendous thanks to Chun Wong and Sherman Lim for their generous donation of fine textiles that will help to make this and future projects gorgeous!

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McLaren Park
At 313 acres, McLaren Park, San Francisco's second largest park, offers a wide range of both active and passive recreational opportunities. These elements range from trails and paths, to six playgrounds, five picnic areas, tennis and basketball courts, an amphitheater, natural areas, a clubhouse, an off-leash dog play area, golf course, reservoir, lake, marsh, baseball diamonds, and other amenities. The park has significant topographic changes, with over 425 feet of elevation change, and sweeping vistas of downtown San Francisco, the East Bay and San Bruno Mountain.